Cyan (known as Cyan Master in the files) is a major antagonist and a monster in rainbow friends. Cyan appears as the secondary antagonist in Chapter 2 and is the sixth monster to appear in the game.
Cyan is, as her name describes, a cyan monster, with a body reminiscent of the Diplocaulus. Cyan has no arms with the head shape of an arch. Her eyes resemble that of Orange. Unlike all other Rainbow Friends, she doesn't have any arms.
Yellow is a major antagonist in Rainbow Friends who appears in Chapter 2. He is the fifth monster in Rainbow Friends, and is the second to the last (Cyan) monster in the game so far.
Yellow is a Pteranodon inspired monster who has a brown vest, a propeller, and two eyes with two long arms that seem to look like wings. He has sharp teeth, and has a pointed tail in his back. When he walks, he will keep his arms close together and stand tall, but when chasing after a player, Yellow will flap his wings (as shown in "Yellow Chase Cycle") and lean forward.